
Showing posts from September, 2021

One Last Time

an idea: you are a bulletproof girl. Amanda Beth is a common girl, like many common girls. She's being loved by everyone and being hate by some people, too. Amanda is a high school girl with even lower average skills. We have to admit not everyone's smart and not everyone have to be good. So, Amanda gets into a genk, so tho she's stupid, she is saved, not being in bully around the school. She's one of the bully. But, that's not her. Whenever her bad friends are leaving her alone, she's trying to be friend with the bullied ones. She's helping the victims like in ninja ways. As I told you before, she's being loved by everyone, too, right? Amanda is helping them with spreading good things about them rather than against her own friends when the bullying's around. She's doing that for win-win solution and seriously, no ones really feel bad about it. Everyone needs her, but inside of Amanda, she thinks herself as a coward. who thinks
Do you know why it's hard to say goodbye? Because we afraid if our memories might not be able to remember them, rightly. The fact is, goodbye means good. No matter how hard.
~Aurora Esterlia


別の私がいるなら、私は彼女が私のように傷つくことを知っています。 しかし、多分、彼女は私よりも強いです。 物事が南に行っても、彼女は時間がないの嵐の中を歩くだろう。 彼女は私よりも勇敢になるだろう。 別の私がいる場合、私は彼女が私のように一人で泣くことを知っています。 しかし、多分、彼女は私よりも幸せです。 彼女の業績を笑うためのその叫び。 私が知っている何かそれはもはや私の中にはありません。 私は笑っていることを知っていますが、それは腐っています。 別の私がいるなら、私は彼女が天国に行くことを知っています。 しかし、多分、私はあまりにも、それに値する。 場合にのみ。