
Showing posts from February, 2013

One Last Time

an idea: you are a bulletproof girl. Amanda Beth is a common girl, like many common girls. She's being loved by everyone and being hate by some people, too. Amanda is a high school girl with even lower average skills. We have to admit not everyone's smart and not everyone have to be good. So, Amanda gets into a genk, so tho she's stupid, she is saved, not being in bully around the school. She's one of the bully. But, that's not her. Whenever her bad friends are leaving her alone, she's trying to be friend with the bullied ones. She's helping the victims like in ninja ways. As I told you before, she's being loved by everyone, too, right? Amanda is helping them with spreading good things about them rather than against her own friends when the bullying's around. She's doing that for win-win solution and seriously, no ones really feel bad about it. Everyone needs her, but inside of Amanda, she thinks herself as a coward. who thinks
Do you know why it's hard to say goodbye? Because we afraid if our memories might not be able to remember them, rightly. The fact is, goodbye means good. No matter how hard.
~Aurora Esterlia

It Hurts A Little

Aku berharap, kendaraan yang menjemputku pulang segera datang. Karena aku letih menunggu di halte ini.  Sesaat aku dapat termenung dan pikiranku entah kemana lalu sesaat aku kembali berada di halte. Aku tidak dapat membayangkan begitu cepat banyak orang yang tidak kukenal datang dan pergi begitu saja di dalam satu waktu, satu tempat. Terkadang ada mereka yang baik menyapaku dan mengajakku berbincang, berbagi kisah. Terkadang ada mereka yang hanya duduk di sebelahku atau berdiri jauh dari tempatku ada dan memandangku penuh pertanyaan atau mereka sama sekali tidak menyadari keberadaanku. Terkadang aku sendiri yang terlalu bodoh untuk memperhatikan detil-detil seperti itu. Aku telah duduk dan berdiri berkali-kali dan kendaraan yang akan menjemputku belum sampai juga. Mereka yang datang ke halte ini dan meramaikan suasana adalah hiburan dan ketenangan ku. Lalu mereka pergi, setiap salah satu dari mereka pergi atau aku kembali sendiri, air mataku kembali berjatuhan. Aku

The Pink Ones

Help me to sleep again.  What a valentine's day that had been wasted, and re-watching "The Holiday" movie was really made my day never be better than before.  For flus! For the roast! For the planes! Things so little off me, for this pink, better than others. My Valentine's Day.

Klaroline 4EVER!!!

it seems like seeing RAINBOWS, RAINBOWS EVERYWHERE!!!






Revenge is not justice.  Not even a redemption.  It jus t has to be done.  And t hat's mean. You can not always get what you want.  But what I want just so you can not always get what you want.  So be it .  If for being good to you was not enough.  Then I will pick the way you a lways wish for me to do.  That we know.  There 's no such thing as good .  Even so, there will be a s hope. As sun alwa ys rise every day. And stars light us every night. Every breath that we take to still alive. For you to still walk ing the streets. Heaven knows. Hell knows. About what I'm capable of. About all of th i s kindness. About t here will be no next time .  About what you wish for. I know the price. Still, I'm taking the chance , now. Because I'm hurt. To tell there's no wrong of anything. If it's not God 's permission. It just has to be done. I know, it's mean.  

My Favorite MEME for My Favorite TV SERIES

Gilmore Girls The OC That 70's Show Supernatural Ghost Whisperer Family Guy Damages How I Met Your Mother 90210 The Walking Dead True Blood

Everytime, now, when I see someone talking about Stefan Salvatore


When I found how Tyler Lockwood had a Loyalty to Klaus


I Tell You

     "Tutup matamu." Ia memegang kedua telapak tanganku. Aku tertawa memandang wajahnya. "Kau tahu aku tidak sedang bercanda, bukan?" senyumnya. Aku hanya mengangguk dan aku pun menutup mataku. "Jangan mengintip." katanya. Aku kembali mengangguk sambil tertawa kecil. Tiba-tiba ia segera menarik kedua tanganku itu seperti memeluk sesuatu. Aku dapat merasakan panas badannya dan harum dirinya di dekat wajahku. "Peluk aku erat-erat." katanya. Aku mengikuti perkataannya. Aku memeluknya begitu erat. Aku dapat merasakan kedua tangannya yang besar juga menyentuh punggungku. "Sekarang, jinjitlah." Aku tidak mengerti maksudnya. Sesaat aku hanya terdiam. Ia pun terdiam. Aku tahu yang dia maksud kakiku benar-benar harus menjinjit. Aku pun hanya melakukannya.         Kedua telapak kakiku kujinjit dan entah kenapa, aku dapat merasakan kedua kakiku tidak lagi merasakan tekanan akan tanah yang kupijaki. Sekelilingku serasa angin semakin kencang bert