Lost Sight, Found Strength

The path is so dark and dim, but Julie keeps walking. She is scared, yet her adrenaline makes her look back several times, urging her to walk faster with each step. She wonders why she can't move faster and then realizes it's just her thoughts getting wilder the longer she's on the road. She shouldn't have chosen this path—terrified and confused. She's already halfway through. It sucks. The only way is to adapt, over time. She has one more block, two more, and again she convinces herself it's just one more step to her destination. She's no longer afraid when she starts looking at the sky instead of the road. The evening feels scarier when it's right in front of our eyes, but when it's above, the stars are beautiful. The cold air on her skin feels warmer as her mind grows calmer. Gently, she realizes that she's no longer worried. In fact, she's arrived, in no time. -- I think loneliness comes from the mind. It's not about being surrounded ...
Do you know why it's hard to say goodbye? Because we afraid if our memories might not be able to remember them, rightly. The fact is, goodbye means good. No matter how hard.
~Aurora Esterlia

After You Forgive Yourself

Yakobus 1:17, 21-25 (TB) 

Setiap pemberian yang baik dan setiap anugerah yang sempurna, datangnya dari atas, diturunkan dari Bapa segala terang; pada-Nya tidak ada perubahan atau bayangan karena pertukaran.

Sebab itu buanglah segala sesuatu yang kotor dan kejahatan yang begitu banyak itu dan terimalah dengan lemah lembut firman yang tertanam di dalam hatimu, yang berkuasa menyelamatkan jiwamu.

Tetapi hendaklah kamu menjadi pelaku firman dan bukan hanya pendengar saja; sebab jika tidak demikian kamu menipu diri sendiri.

Sebab jika seorang hanya mendengar firman saja dan tidak melakukannya, ia adalah seumpama seorang yang sedang mengamat-amati mukanya yang sebenarnya di depan cermin.

Baru saja ia memandang dirinya, ia sudah pergi atau ia segera lupa bagaimana rupanya.

Tetapi barangsiapa meneliti hukum yang sempurna, yaitu hukum yang memerdekakan orang, dan ia bertekun di dalamnya, jadi bukan hanya mendengar untuk melupakannya, tetapi sungguh-sungguh melakukannya, ia akan berbahagia oleh perbuatannya.


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