Lost Sight, Found Strength

The path is so dark and dim, but Julie keeps walking. She is scared, yet her adrenaline makes her look back several times, urging her to walk faster with each step. She wonders why she can't move faster and then realizes it's just her thoughts getting wilder the longer she's on the road. She shouldn't have chosen this path—terrified and confused. She's already halfway through. It sucks. The only way is to adapt, over time. She has one more block, two more, and again she convinces herself it's just one more step to her destination. She's no longer afraid when she starts looking at the sky instead of the road. The evening feels scarier when it's right in front of our eyes, but when it's above, the stars are beautiful. The cold air on her skin feels warmer as her mind grows calmer. Gently, she realizes that she's no longer worried. In fact, she's arrived, in no time. -- I think loneliness comes from the mind. It's not about being surrounded ...
Do you know why it's hard to say goodbye? Because we afraid if our memories might not be able to remember them, rightly. The fact is, goodbye means good. No matter how hard.
~Aurora Esterlia

Jurassic World, My Time

The best thing about Jurassic World (2015) was @NickJnRobinson, the old brother who seems really handsome and very good in act. I felt he acts like Dean Winchester, all his dialog in this movie really meant something. I do believe if there's another sequel (which will not), surely he got to be there. He delivers a really great character. Also his young brother.
I know this movie is going to be so great because Bryce Dallas Howard is in it. She is my favorite actress. She is amazing in every single movie she had. I watched all of her movies and they are all memorable. And this time, she's amazing. On the trailer, my most favorite scene about her was when she said, "Run!" And definitely the trailer give us a very different point of thoughts of what's the story of that scene might be. I watched it and it turns out very different than what I thought. The trailer was amazing and I can tell you that  the trailer really not tell any of the real plot at all. The scene when that 'run' thing came out, I was kind of in shock because well actually that's not even the main point of the scene and Bryce Dallas Howard really sold the movie PERFECTLY. I LOVE HER SO MUCH ON THIS MOVIE.
Chris Pratt at the beginning seemed like really cool guy. His acting is really professional. So, Jurassic World really so in lucky. Inside of my head, while watching it, it keeps replay, "This is so dream team. So dream team. So dream team... Les Miserables 10th anniversary so much!"  And, well I shared my thought with my friend and I realized Chris Pratt did amazing job in every his act including when he's in Guardians of The Galaxy. But, I just want to shout it out, this is how I love Jurassic World so much. For me, Jurassic World is better than Guardians of The Galaxy. Well, Jurassic World itself was full of comedian casts as same as Guardians of The Galaxy. Also, they had many jokes and laughs, also gives me better thrilling and enchanted scenes, every single time. So, yeah, the story of Jurassic World develops really great. All the nods from the original, I'm really glad they gave it a lot. 
JURASSIC WORLD also took some mistakes from previous non-related movies that gives you the same level of this thrilling like Godzilla, for an example. In Jurassic World, it gives us what we really want about all those dinosaurs. And, another Marvel movie, Ultron.... it has the same level that trying to mix the audiences feelings. The sad, the moment, laugh, and scared.... Jurassic World is better.
Yeah, I give the movie score an A. Definitely why not? It gives really a fresh story. Every single character has their own moment of laugh, joy, scares, and thrill. I like this one. I mostly a fan of Jurassic Park: The Lost World and Jurassic World basically has the same long journey like The Lost World, just saying.

So, if you like Jurassic World, because I do like it, and you guys should gives chance to the second sequel of Jurassic Park. 
This was fun since The Lego Movie. #YEAH!!!!!!!!!


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